Race Equity Matters

Specializing in conversations that deconstruct white supremacy in our every day lives. 

Anti-Racism Conversations.

This is not a training! Let me tell you why:
Anti Racism conversations are part of a bigger solution. We, as a collective, are aware of racism. Racism certainly, is a divisive tool, but more than that, is a typical way of life in the USA. Whether we know it or not, we all participate in upholding this practice, daily.   While most people, with good intentions, try to stay involved with the concerns of other people, honest and productive race conversations remain largely elusive. It is a very complicated, sensitive, and nuanced subject. There are people who read Race relation literature, attend Race- centered lectures and training, yet still feel like they just don’t connect the information to reality and are missing a piece. That missing piece essentially will take you from believing in and wanting a Non Racist world, to recognizing and participating in developing an Anti Racist reality for everyone.


Conversations are often in the moment. Although the facilitator is skilled in leading personal and professional exploration of race and inclusion, words stick around for a short amount of time.  In order to solidify the experiences into concepts, conversations should be ongoing. The recommendation is a MINIMUM of 3 two hour sessions. 8 to 10, two hour sessions is optimal. We do not preclude meeting less, it is only a recommendation that the conversation is ongoing. Conversations are a minimum of two hours, and I do not recommend over three hours consecutively. These sessions are emotionally uncomfortable for some and vulnerable for others. Anything over three hours should be broken up into two hour sessions with breaks before completing another 2 hours. 

Are you ready to get the conversation going?
Ayisha Can help.


Through conversation, we are able to meet people where they are. Social conditioning is strong and purposeful. This is an opportunity to work directly with a black woman who skillfully facilitates uncomfortable conversations around race, inclusion, and program policy where either facet are present. In a conversation, questions will be answered without judgment. Assumptions will be challenged without persecution. Vulnerability can be exposed without retribution. These conversations are a safe place to explore implicit racism, biases, prejudice, and ignorance.  Each conversation is highly interactive, and informative. There is no level of race relations or education around race that anyone has to accomplish to participate.


Conversations can be one on one, and they can be in groups as large as 10.  If your group is larger than 10, we would break the larger groups into 10 and schedule out multiple conversations. Again, these conversations are based on where the group is in racial acuity, and varies from group to group.  There is opportunity for personal accounts, and objectively discussing moral dilemmas. This often helps clarify and enhance diversity training and/or concepts people may have read or are reading to help establish intention and impact in real time.  Oftentimes conversations are a mix of all of the above. Sessions can be in person (following the COVID-19 protocol: 6 ft distance with masks) or by zoom. Facilitator will follow up with written content based on what the group discussed after each meeting, if requested.